Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Going Beyond

70 %. Is that all you can take? Oh yes... it does elicit a cough response... that the burning sensation just floods your palate and overwhelms every single salivary gland. The feeling hits the brain within seconds... eroding any thoughts that one may previously have... well.. at least for a couple of seconds.. before the sensation of honey sweet aroma multiply within the oral cavity. Nice. Try it?

Wonder if that is what people normally do to dull their senses... to drown their knowledge of the world around them... that they may reach an area of perfect tranquility... free from any form of worries that may tug at them...All the strangulating ropes seem to be liberated ever so freely... interesting way man have found to allow them to come close to perfect peace..

Sadly. It does not last. Why? Isn't there a way for this peace to be perfect and eternal? Probably so... but definitely not within the formal theory... Still it is a irrefusable offer that one could always dwell in...

Guess God only gives as much as you can take... never beyond....
He knows so much more that you won't even know that who are you to judge the present whether it is good or not?
Trusting in You alone....


Amazing what some people can do for you even when you have not done much for them =)

Monday, June 29, 2009


It is not about the little things that you all had done throughout the concerts. Nope, its not. How much can a person remember with his limited capacity in his mind... that it is just impossible for one to remember every single thing... but yes.. the one thing that is forever etched in my mind is the conviction and willingness each of you had in your special way when you agreed to help.

The willingness to help just brought forth the concerts.... that i know that its not about me... its all about you guys. Remember someone coming up and telling me how much they admire how i can manage the concerts so well, my mind was on the efforts that each of you put forth. The commitment that every one of you had in your hearts. Without doubt, they surmount what i put in for the concert. A production is not a one man effort.

I love you all for who you are and not what you have done.

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.

More of You, Less of Me

Run was good. Realised how much more i am dependent on you when i am worn out physically... that you remember to carry on running the race because of the end that you can see in front of you... the end that you may or may not see..

Its a constant motivational force that drives you to persevere... its the same with life... isnt it? Just that life is a longer race... and doesnt end within the span of 1 hour... that it is influenced by people around us... as well as things around us... rather than just the mere track and greenery that envelopes our sight.

Even such a short journey was enough to drive thoughts of slowing down... giving up into my head.. do you not know that the devil is strong at suggestion? He is... even more so in life.

Persevere my young friend. That you will be mature and complete. If you lack wisdom, call out and it will be given freely. It was... for me, as it will be, to you.

Inevitably, looking through photos brought me back to the past concert... that i know that areas i had to improve on... for you all, who gave up time and effort so freely for the project. I am determined not to make the same mistake twice. And i will not. I promise. May Father lead the way upon the narrow path. You are always a lamp unto my feet.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I don't want to. Guess i care too much to see either of us getting hurt. Guess my feelings are clouded by what i should really be feeling. How much more would this last? It should just go... go with my blessings that you may be happy and cheerful for who you are... I bless you... with all my heart.

Let thy feeling pass that i may be true to your will rather than mine. Let every step i take bring me closer towards your will and your desire... for i am no longer who i am ... let me always remember. Nothing that can take me away from you...

Let me remember who i am living for...


Once more, no matter how much i plan... you always lead the way. Turning out to be for the better in retrospect. How much more do you not trust Him? When He could give all he had for you... bearing reproach and abuse... what more could you not give up as well?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Broken Conviction

Break me... I felt myself crying out. When? Now. Where? Here. Why? Cos I felt you calling out to me. Reminding me of every single action that I acted on during the past few days. It was only days and I already felt so overwhelmed by all I have done. Is this who I am called to be? Does that attribute even come close to being christ like? Break me down father... My call of conviction tonight, won't you answer?

You did. Create in me a heart of humility. Father. Thank you. Thank you lord. Break down all the pride within... That all that I am is in you, all that I say would edify your people, all that I do would serve your kingdom. Once I promised to let you have control over my hands and skill... Now I give you control of my tongue, my mind... That full control is in you, father.

I do not ask for perfection.
I seek your salvation.
I do not ask for power.
I seek the seed of faith.
I do not belong here.
I have seen how you were broken for me, realised how you broke me too, that I would understand what it is to be broken for others...

To be a debtor. What I do for you is not what I need from you, its what I owe you.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Beautifully Alluring

Sunday, June 21, 2009


To let your mind run perfectly clear and let the sound of music flood your existence. There is nothing else purer when you are there alone at the clearing coming face to face with the one who gives you your destiny. Let every word that is uttered resound in your tympanic that you may feel and understand the deeper meaning within, allowing your soul to take root in the foundation that has already been laid.

Your motions are swift and continuous, like a flowing river; at times you speed up, at time you slow down, you isolate, as though the water that surrounds seems to hold you still, freezing you.

Your fluidity is pure and unbroken. Graceful like what it can be as the staff encircles that area around you, engulfing everything within, drawing a clear distinction between here and the outside.

I long to be able to continue fully in your presence, to be able to let your energy flow through my soul, shining with radiance that beautifies the world.

I open my eyes and am back to where i was... only stronger.

Refreshed & Ready

Finally the break is over and clinics will start once again ...

It was truly a fruitful break and once again we are ready to face what is ahead of us....


Hope you 2 rested well too =D

Clash of the Titans

I wonder when clinics start again where would i be? Would i still have enough time and drive to devote myself to fulfilling your purpose in magic? Would i be able to juggle both at the same time? Would i have enough energy within me? Would i still that strong in those areas?

I wonder. But i have faith. =)

You will scale mountains and walk oceans... for you live by faith...

Saturday, June 20, 2009


That I realise that i can have complete faith in you whenever i need to perform... anything and everything will just happen because we already know it will happen.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, skill is in the hands of the conjurer, faith is in the heart of the mentalist.


Its as though you can actually see what it will be like next time... in a couple of years... down the road... it all seems so clear as though you are living right through it right now.... Do you like that kind of life? Yes i do. Full of overflowing joy that spreads on to others. Being able to use your gift for others.

Meaningful? Yes. Very.

How much more do i long for you every passing day? To see what you would require of me to do for your kingdom. To be moulded by you in every single way till i am perfect in your sight. That i could be who i am in you. Above what the world seeks... above what people define me to be.... above what others dare me to achieve... above what my own ability can reach... above all.

Yesterday i made a covenant with you to serve in areas i have to serve. Not that i am not serving... but a physical form of stepping out commits me totally to you. That i would remember when and what it was that gave me the drive... that i would remember this motivation from within even when i am tired... that i could seek strength and solace from that kind of conviction when i am shaken or down. That you will remind me constantly of what i have pledged to you.

On a lighter note.... abel! Thanks for opening your house!! It was awesome! =) and your cat is super cute... love it. =) we should come to your house more often. And i guess even though only a handful of us were there... what was shared between was sufficient to remind us constantly of who we are in christ. =)

Elin. God Bless. It will be a wonderful year ahead for you... no matter what mountain lies in front of you... you will always scale it not just because we are behind you... but cos the lord will lift you up. Way above it so you can land safely on the other end. Stronger.. and with even more visions. =)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Do you remember when was the last time you made a covenant with Him? One that you have sworn to keep... and follow... with all of your heart.. all your soul... for you already live for Him.

Do you remember?

Yet sometimes what we agree upon... to love others fervently... it is definitely agreed upon... but do we really carry what it means behind those words.

The words you said resound in my ears.

Primary Intention. Means of Doing It. Consequences.
The three make up an entity as to why we do what we do, and whether or not it is right or wrong.

When the crunch time comes... the time for you to make a decision.. such as doing a pr without consent... would you do it? Would you do it? Cos the others are looking at you? Expecting you to do it when he or she is turned over.... so that they do not even know it? Would you do it? At all? Or what would you do?

Get verbal consent? Of course... BUT what if they don't agree? You may say that that would make you look obviously dumb in the sight of the clinician as well as the other students... ppl may think... ppl may think.... you are trying to act righteous... you there trying to be someone else? Who are you trying to be? Jesus? You are not even close to him... so stop acting....

Its just respecting the patients dignity. Without dignity... ppl are just like products.. being used for every other purpose... to others gain... not even considering whether it hurts others... whether this person is still a living soul... a child of God... someone that we have promised long ago to love fervently. For we have agreed upon that... haven't we? Don't we remember what we said? Loving others fervently?

You read the bible don't you? Don't you remember assuredly i say to you what you do onto others, you have also done onto me? Do you think for one moment... that Father will let it pass by cos of ur own primary intention to learn... but with the wrong means? Would you even do the pr IF it was Jesus himself there, lying there...? You would? Do you not know how much he had already went through just for us? And you still bear to give him that kind of treatment?

I cant... i .... just cant. Remind me father... remind me... for my soul lives for you ... seeking your face.. give us strength to stand up to the reality of this world... let us see beyond every soul that we even come close to cutting down... a way... father... to handle it...

Monday, June 15, 2009

A World With A Vision

Ever fasted before? And felt that kind of hunger and rummaging in your stomach? As though something was clenching your stomach and your world starts to slow down and spin a little?

What do you do to solve that? Food. =) Eat.

Every piece of food that we consume is something that we take for granted. Do you ever think of whether you are going to have food for the next meal in the day? I guess not... you probably think of what you want to buy to eat...

World Vision: A Vision for the World... To see famine end.... To see Children not worrying about their next meal... Whether there is indeed food on the table for them to satisfy their hunger pangs...

Would you think of them next time before you cast away food on the plate.. just because you are full.. you dun feel like eating...?

Salvos... A triad... To Salvation. =)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rememberance & Growth

When you look back at so many years of magic... its like... 8 years plus? So much memories.. so much props... so many tricks... do you remember when you first did every single effect? They are so dear and close to your heart... remember the first time you performed magic? The first time when you brought that few cards to showcase that effect? You remember it don't you?

Yet right now... growing up.. it seems like as we grow up... we let go of things around us and we don't grow back. We grow up. That's what life is all about. Moving on. Proceeding from glory to glory.

Do you still remember those hands that trembled before the few audience? Now they are hands equipped with confidence and definitive touch... Amazing dexterity and swiftness.... We don't grow back to who we were....

I cast down so many effects.... effects that i feel i have outgrown. There's so much more out there ... ever waiting for the mind to explore and revel in...

That first touch that changed my life.... another touch that brought me back from pieces.... one more that gave me visions and dreams.... and to know that what we could achieve is no longer limited by what we perceive... its all... supernatural.


How i could concur so much with what you felt after what i saw today... A sudden case of epilepsy right around the area when i was practising... I went there... they apparently looked quite proficient in handling the epilepsy... as though they have handled it so many times before. Me? Never? I know cyanosis.... increase venous return... check pulse... airways patent... what else? Do you know what to do? Not really...

No one taught... is that a good excuse? I am still young.... would that suffice?

I stood there.... kind of helpless... kind of wanting to help but not knowing what is beneficial. It lasted for around 10 minutes which seemed to whiz by somehow.. maybe cos of my tiredness... She became okay thereafter... as though auto healing.. ambulance came... picked her up... her bbq friends brought her to safety and i left....

Result? I will be stronger. What happens when you feel insufficient? Don't doubt and move on in faith.... He is greater in you, more so than you think....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time Flies

Its as though time is no longer something that matters in this world. Age is just a number. Date is just a word. Year is just a combination of digits. Do we actually remember everyday for what date it is, what time it is? I guess not. But the things that come together with it are priceless.... perfect memories... moments of euphoria... lengths of over the moon... exhilarating feeling. Its nice to remember.

Time flies though. Do you remember when the term has just ended? Its already 1 week plus since that day... almost 2... and it still feels like yesterday that you are rushing here and there seeking signs and symptoms. This 2 weeks have been really really fulfilling.

I guess its when you are encircled with lovely memories.. things that drive your life... your passion. You no longer put time in as a factor. It totally does not occur to you how much longer the rest of the day is... but instead all you think of is what time you have to be there for the event itself. What time this is going to happen... Things zoom past ... hours fly by ... day turns into night once again and the cycle ensues.

Do i love life for what it is? Do i love life for what it carries for me? Do i love life all the purposes it has provided me with?

I do. Life rocks. =)


Do you realise how pain it is? Amazing extents that people can endure just to see perfectness.. Still... the high power beam is a bit over the top... It still hurts now.... lobsters.

Dont you just await to see what happens when its over?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Inner Fire

Ever wondered how come everyone is unique? How each person is special in his or her own way?

Just like how we wont know the power behind a fire without touching and experiencing it. We wont know a person until we have seen the hidden talents that were never showcased before. Everyone rocks. Just whether you discover it. When you do, you realise the person is great. When you dont, you will just assume that the person is just a mere person off the streets.

Appreciate everyone for who they are. They are never too insignificant to be a part of your life. You never know.


How pain is pain? 4/10. Ever wondered how it feels like to be burnt by fire... pretty radically? Its pain. Fire is dangerous.... looks bewildering .... hurts when you dont know how to control it.

Control =)

Do I Always Know?

No... i dont. I need you to tell me.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


You Came From Heaven to Earth
To Show The Way
From The Earth To the Cross
My Debts to Pay
From the Cross to the Grave
From The Grave to the Sky
Lord I Lift Ur Name Up High

Jesus died for me on the cross, so now i live for him, for others.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Prayer Revisited - Mary Alice

Prayer is many things and does many things. James 5.16.

We are not strengthless, helpless, hopeless in the lord. We need to use the tools in prayer. Always praying for a purpose. Prayer must be effective with a new renewing touch of the word, fervent & passionate. Drink from the river of life from the lord thru passionate prayer.

Personal prayer life - prayer language motivates us to be his witnesses in all the world.

2 things that make you strong, word of god renewing your mind, prayer in worship and in tongues.

Prayer influences the atmosphere around you - the presence of god comes AROUND you, allows for fellowship with the spirit rom 8.26 opens the door to the supernatural, speaks revelation & destiny 1 cor 14.1 which he shows to you, new things come all the time, so you always have to upgrade, strengthens us - makes our spirit man bigger jude 20.21.

I found my peace in you. Living for you and not for me anymore.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Song As My Life

Songs.... Are they just mere lyrics that we repeat over and over again to the rhythm.. to the tunes of the song itself? For us to repeat the words of praise and worship that we never actually understood? Words that we sing with confidence but no conviction?

Interestingly enough... i wonder how many of us wonder how these songs came about.... Did you ever wonder? Or ever felt drawn to seek an answer?

I found my song composed in the midst of the wind gushing across my face. Emotions that come and sweep you to where you belong... your destiny.. your vision.... your dreams... All these that has already been put in you when he gave it all on the cross.

You have your own song... like i have mine. Singing that is a thousand times more noteworthy for our father than songs of others... that you know, that He knows.

Fill these lives once again, i want to touch their hands, make their lives whole again.


To see your glory defined. =)

2 weeks plus more.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hospital was quite a sight... somewhat intimidating when you are no longer under the protective cloak of labcoat and pass... Temperature checks and gantries hold new meaning to you... as though you are someone they are wary of. Lost. What other word could be used to describe the feeling when i saw you? Lost for words... lost in thought... lost in translation... every single logical thought was mysteriously taken away... as though i no longer know who i am... but i was in you world... Just taking in things around you and seeing from your perspective. What could i do to help? Lighten the mood with my qns and perhaps.. rhetoric qns.... I rmb you said the best thing is not to remind you of it... but to treat you just like you were still well. Time flashed past so quickly between the moment i put on the mask and the moment i stepped out of the door. What did i remember? Lost.

What do you do when you feel lost... sad.... kind of crushed by things that are beyond your control?

Not much that i could do to undo it. Certain things are just so beyond our control. Yet... i guess we all learn to take things into our stride, and to use other feelings of happiness to suppress.. overwrite sad memories. The overwriting process is not perfect though. A moment of induced euphoria quickly dissipates once the feed stops.

Would you choose to forget? Or remember?

You will get well... not much more that i can say... but trusting in His perfect plan for you. Hang on!