Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Call - Action vs Prayer

Are you willing to let go and surrender in all that He has for you?
Are you willing to step up in selfless faith in what He calls you to do?

So what do you think?
So what do you already know?
So are you willing to believe?

The question is never about what you think, what you know. Its always about the willingness in you. Whether you are willing to accept, to believe, to do.

Prayer is words spoken in view of what the heart seeks. Prayer without actions is still prayer. Do you expect God to answer your prayers to perfect grades, to perfect financial comfort.. if you do not take action..but just by prayer? No.

Actions are things we do to influence our surroundings, changing our circumstances, perhaps to make them more amiable for us to live in. Actions bring about change. Do actions change things around us, like changing the world to be a better place... by our donations to charities, by our selfless efforts to help others in need, by offering time to bring the blind lady where she wants to go? They do. They change the world.

Actions and prayer bring about breakthrough. Prayer sets the mindset right, and actions carry them through.

We talk about praying for you... praying for this... praying for that. Do you think it works? It does change your mindset... setting them in the way that is right... that follows the truth. BUT without action... where do you think you will go? Heaven? Not when you see the blind lady and cast her aside saying i pray that you will get home safely... not when you see a person being wounded and say i pray for you, but i don't dress your wound, but i believe your bleeding will stop....

Practicality. Faith in action. That's what we are called to do, to be Christians. Not just people who pray for others, but people who actively seek in helping others - The 15th Minute Breakthrough. Just imagine how much more people would appreciate what we do for them as Christians if we were to give 15 minutes of our time out of our inconvenience, for their convenience; as opposed to that of us praying for them in our own bedroom.

They would see faith in action, power manifesting, and the love of God flooding and enveloping their lives. =)

1 comment:

  1. We cannot discount the importance of faith in action. But when practicality overtakes faith, then it'd be a problem. I'm sure many face this problem, how much time to sow into praying rather than doing. That's when we need God's wisdom in out lives, when the focus starts to turn away from Him and towards self, that's when He will call us back, if we are so close to Him and hear from Him all the time.
    Prayers only work if you believe in them. A fervent and sincere prayer avails much. I'm sure if you pray hard enough, God will escort the blind woman home, safe and sound. If He can move mountains, what's a journey home to Him? All you need is a mustard seed of faith.
    Amen to the 15min Breakthrough :>
