Monday, May 25, 2009

Tri Purpose - One Destiny

Christian? Magician? Doctor?

Which do you put ahead on top of the other 2? Is there some sort of ranking between them, that actually clearly distinguishes them from each other, causing them to be unable to coexist?

I wonder.

Somehow i feel that being more like a doctor orientates your life in such a way that you know why you are living, being a magician lets you remember what you are living for, and being a christian reminds you who you are living for.

There is a very fine line i guess...its hard to answer, if you were to question whether i would put A as a higher purpose than B, or B than C and vice versa.

All 3 actually coexist to bring out a characteristic personality within. One which actually views issues from 3 different perspectives, and finally reaches a common consensus. The common consesus is one that is based upon experience as well as knowledge. More of experience... like how you were to handle a person with knee bruising as opposed to a person with imminent depression.

Practicality and context matters a lot.

Now i guess i know why it takes so much out of me whenever one views issues seriously... 3 perspectives... 3 thoughts... 3 times the energy... within the same amount of time...

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