Sunday, August 29, 2010


Was i glad that i did not turn sarcastic or flare up at that remark....

If i had been through what you have been through, i guess i probably would be even more down than what you are now...

Sometimes stories turn into real life situations..

Praying for you. And its ok if you want to be mean to me, strict, etc, its perfectly alright. I understand what you are going through and probably thats why you demand such high standards... I would too if i were you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Understood. I know what you mean.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Loving People

To have an overwhelming acceptance for everybody, seeing each person as a 10 upon 10.
To listen more to others as paying attention shows a person worth.
To have empathy and look beneath what other people are going through and listen to their heart.
To be real and transparent. Sometimes, oneself's need is a gift to somebody else.
To have encompassing forgiveness, to release the right to get back at others.
To give encouragement and loving confrontation.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Phone


Monday, August 9, 2010

Your Qn

Why? Good qn, high standards, and a reluctance to give up other priorities.

Why? Cos when you are young, its the time to make or break your destiny.

Why? Cos there's always someone out there who will eventually be the one.

Or maybe, its just that i haven chosen to let go fully...

I don't even understand fully...

Saturday, August 7, 2010


A good word makes the heart glad. A good movie makes the mind happy =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Letting Go

Holding on to so many things is just so tiring sometimes...

Questions like "what if...?" , "then how?", "was what i did right?", "so what will you think?"

So many things... so tired. It just doesnt feel right to carry so much on ones shoulders...

Lifting all in your hands... and just guide my path however the outcome. I will flow with you...

Tired from compilation, from running around, from peoples expectations, from commitments, from a lot... or just actually... venting some tiredness frustration... i dun noe... i can just crash and sleep...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Silent Commitment

To know exactly where we are headed in this walk of medicine. To know exactly who we want to model ourselves after. To know exactly how we want to change society, heal hearts, and touch lives.

To have clean hands, and a pure heart, to touch the needy, ignite hope for the lost, heal the sick, revive the unconcious, comfort to the worried... Your prayer was powerful.

Let every patient we come across have a constant prayer too.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What it Means

This is the time that one actually realises what it means to be a doctor.

To have clean hands and a pure heart, to deliver that healing touch to those in need. 2 more weeks till end of e med, 2 more years till end of student life. Time flies, knowledge accumulates.

Anw ambulance run was a spectrum. Totally.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Really liked it. Prob cos of the fact that what you learn is of a broad scope that will enable you to know how to administer therapy to others when they really need it.. Then again, back side is that mistakes come with direct repercussions... Man you really got to be good in this... plug, catheter, cpr... etc time to be highly proficient in all these things.... Its a thin line between therapeutic and toxic..

Anw. Ambulance run was good. One word that kept resurfacing when offering my help... Responsibility. Each of them had this same response.

"Its my responsibility."

Wow. Awesome la. That sort of spirit is worth developing and having. =)

Side note. Tm is FIC. Blast 2 shows in 1 days... 10 decks of cards... a bit wasteful but okay la...